Functional Movement Screening
We believe that moving well, moving pain free, and moving efficiently are key to sport and overall happiness in everyday activities. There are three key components to moving well: proper mobility, stability, and strength. If any one of these areas are deficient then compensations in movement can occur, leading to overuse injuries, pain, or poor performance. We utilize a movement-based diagnostic system to determine deficiency’s in order to fix past, present, and reduce future injuries from occurring. This screening test is for those looking to move better, seeking to reduce their risk for injury, and for those trying to improve their performance.
Rehabilitation from Injury or Chronic Pain
Whether you are experiencing chronic or acute pain, we are here to help! We see many patients that have been plagued by chronic pain and have not had success with other healthcare professionals. Low back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, we see it all!
Baseball Specific Screening
For Pitchers and Hitters looking to improve their efficiency, velocity, and consistency. Through the Onbase University pitching and hitting screening we can identify mobility, stability, motor control, and strength deficits associated with reduced performance and increased injury risk.
MyACT Piezowave2
The Piezowave2 uses focused sound waves for the treatment of acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain and is considered Myofascial Acoustic Compression Therapy (MyACT). MyACT describes the use of acoustic waves to target tissue at varying depths to compress and manipulate tissue resulting in a focused and precise deep tissue massage. The results of the mechanical stimulus delivered by MyACT can lead to increased circulation, range of motion and pain relief – key components in the healing process.
Dry Needling
Dry Needling, also known as trigger point dry needling or myofascial trigger point dry needling, is a minimally invasive procedure to treat pain. Dry needling uses tiny filiform needles precisely placed in your muscular and connective tissues to stimulate trigger points. Muscles sometimes develop knotted areas called trigger points. These trigger points are highly sensitive and can be painful when touched. They are also often the cause of referred pain (or pain that affects another part of the body).
Benefits of dry needling include:
1. Pain relief
2. Reduction of inflammation related to tendonitis, arthritis, impingement, or stress fractures
3. Simulates deep tissue massage by precise targeting of trigger points that may restrict mobility or cause pain
4. Facilitates tissue repair after an injury
Golf Specific Screening
The TPI philosophy believes that there isn’t one way to swing a club, but rather in an infinite number of swing styles. However, they do believe that there is one efficient way for every player to swing and it is based on what the player can physically do. The TPI screen is used to analyze how physical limitations in a player’s body can adversely affect the golf swing and potentially lead to injury. Results obtained from the screen will be utilized to design a program based on any mobility, stability/motor control and strength deficits identified in the screen.
So if you are a Golfer and are looking to improve your consistency, drive distance, and stay injury free then this service is designed for you!